The Power of the Subtle Body - By Dr Warner Chen
What is the Power of the Subtle Body? Dr. Chen says that the Chinese believe that the way we behave, the way we think and feel shapes our physical well being.
Chi is the vital energy creating the balance to achieve perfect health. This vital force or vital energy flows throughout our bodies. Each organ has its own chi. The liver, the kidneys, the heart all have their own energy force, and each force flows in different directions or channels called meridians.
The Chi and the meridians are referred to as your Subtle Body. When our subtle bodies are not in balance, we experience illness.
Chi is similar to electricity: although you cannot see it, you know it exists because you can feel it. When our energy is balanced, we become centered, focused; we become healthier. When we are in an emotional state, our Chi becomes unbalanced. We suffer from stress or depression, and those negative emotions create very real physical problems.
Chi Gong, meaning energy techniques, is the Chinese method of achieving balance of the mind and body. The techniques are used to increase positive Chi and release or decrease the negative Chi. Positive energy maintains our strength and gives us the balance needed to heal our minds and bodies. Taking care of your subtle body will take care of your physical body.
Atop of that, Dr. Chen says, “In the core of an individual’s well being, there is a perfect being which is free from all aspects of physical and mental suffering. We all have the opportunity to experience and realize our perfect being, living without fear and doubt, to gain freedom through wisdom and power through serenity.”
Dr. Chen – a Chi Gong Grand Master, the President of the American Chi Gong Society and once a nominee for Chinese Man of the Year in the U.S. – has appeared in major medias, including local and international TV, radio, magazines and newspapers. His superior teaching at Mt. Sinai Hospital, in response to the PBS/WNET Mind/Body program hosted by Bill Moyer, joining Western knowledge and Oriental wisdom, allowed his audience, medical students and Dean Joyce Shriver to transmute their skepticism into conviction as within five to ten minutes practice of Dr. Chen’s simple and unique, innovative Chi Gong, they experienced Chi – instead of ten years, as addressed in Bill Moyer’s program by a 91 year old Chi Gong grand master in Beijing.
Dr. Chen, who holds a Ph.D from NYU and is a National Board certified and multi-state licensed acupuncturist, has been evaluated as a superior, energetic, enthusiastic, informative, dynamic, convincing and humorous speaker. In the field of Chi, it is difficult to find anyone in this world who can teach better than Dr. Chen, except an Enlightened Being. Dr. Chen will stay at Mt. Sinai Medical School to teach doctoral students the Power of the Subtle Body as part of their degree requirements.
You can’t afford to miss Dr. Chen’s teachings. Through his training and acupuncture treatment, he – in a rather short time – helps patients to recover from so-called incurable maladies such as diabetes, inherent balding, asthmas, hernias, chronic fatigue, and quitting smoking, etc. in one visit. In addition, Dr. Chen helps people turn their lives around 180 degrees because the highlight of his teaching is to realize the value of all advertise and to benefit from them, promoting the growth process and bringing success.
Come join this father of the Subtle Body and work together with him on the path to health and a better life.
Disclaimer: All Content provided on or through the site is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, care, diagnosis or treatment, and is not designed to promote or endorse any medical practice, program or agenda. Please speak with your doctor before making any changes to your lifestyle.
Copyright © 2013 Dr Chen's Acupuncture P.C. , All rights reserved.
Chi is the vital energy creating the balance to achieve perfect health. This vital force or vital energy flows throughout our bodies. Each organ has its own chi. The liver, the kidneys, the heart all have their own energy force, and each force flows in different directions or channels called meridians.
The Chi and the meridians are referred to as your Subtle Body. When our subtle bodies are not in balance, we experience illness.
Chi is similar to electricity: although you cannot see it, you know it exists because you can feel it. When our energy is balanced, we become centered, focused; we become healthier. When we are in an emotional state, our Chi becomes unbalanced. We suffer from stress or depression, and those negative emotions create very real physical problems.
Chi Gong, meaning energy techniques, is the Chinese method of achieving balance of the mind and body. The techniques are used to increase positive Chi and release or decrease the negative Chi. Positive energy maintains our strength and gives us the balance needed to heal our minds and bodies. Taking care of your subtle body will take care of your physical body.
Atop of that, Dr. Chen says, “In the core of an individual’s well being, there is a perfect being which is free from all aspects of physical and mental suffering. We all have the opportunity to experience and realize our perfect being, living without fear and doubt, to gain freedom through wisdom and power through serenity.”
Dr. Chen – a Chi Gong Grand Master, the President of the American Chi Gong Society and once a nominee for Chinese Man of the Year in the U.S. – has appeared in major medias, including local and international TV, radio, magazines and newspapers. His superior teaching at Mt. Sinai Hospital, in response to the PBS/WNET Mind/Body program hosted by Bill Moyer, joining Western knowledge and Oriental wisdom, allowed his audience, medical students and Dean Joyce Shriver to transmute their skepticism into conviction as within five to ten minutes practice of Dr. Chen’s simple and unique, innovative Chi Gong, they experienced Chi – instead of ten years, as addressed in Bill Moyer’s program by a 91 year old Chi Gong grand master in Beijing.
Dr. Chen, who holds a Ph.D from NYU and is a National Board certified and multi-state licensed acupuncturist, has been evaluated as a superior, energetic, enthusiastic, informative, dynamic, convincing and humorous speaker. In the field of Chi, it is difficult to find anyone in this world who can teach better than Dr. Chen, except an Enlightened Being. Dr. Chen will stay at Mt. Sinai Medical School to teach doctoral students the Power of the Subtle Body as part of their degree requirements.
You can’t afford to miss Dr. Chen’s teachings. Through his training and acupuncture treatment, he – in a rather short time – helps patients to recover from so-called incurable maladies such as diabetes, inherent balding, asthmas, hernias, chronic fatigue, and quitting smoking, etc. in one visit. In addition, Dr. Chen helps people turn their lives around 180 degrees because the highlight of his teaching is to realize the value of all advertise and to benefit from them, promoting the growth process and bringing success.
Come join this father of the Subtle Body and work together with him on the path to health and a better life.
Disclaimer: All Content provided on or through the site is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, care, diagnosis or treatment, and is not designed to promote or endorse any medical practice, program or agenda. Please speak with your doctor before making any changes to your lifestyle.
Copyright © 2013 Dr Chen's Acupuncture P.C. , All rights reserved.